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John F. Kennedy: Twelve Color Slides of the Dallas Assassination. Dallas resident Phil Willis, an amateur photographer, was one of the spectators of the Kennedy presidential motorcade as it approached Dealey Plaza and the "grassy knoll" on way to the Trade Mart. Willis was taking 35 mm. color slides (six leading up to the shooting and six of the aftermath). He clicked the shutter, as an involuntary reflex, as the first shot was fired. He recalled hearing three shots. As one of the witnesses to the crime, he turned over the slides to the Secret Service but, following a few months, decided to make duplicate sets available to the public. It is unknown how many sets were produced, but there may be only three still extant. Willis (d. 1995) titled each individual slide and packaged them as a group in cellophane which he titled: "Assassination in Dallas - November 22, 1963. The Last 25 Seconds of Happiness in the Life of President Kennedy - and the Tragedy". They are accompanied by a two-sided sheet signed by Willis with comments and descriptions of each photo. Most importantly, slide #5 is described thusly: "According to Eyewitnesses and Verified by Investigators, this slide was taken at the exact instant the first bullet struck the President from behind. Arrow points to the President." An exceptional and historic grouping that would make a compelling display in a light box.

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Auction Dates
May, 2014
24th Saturday
Bids + Registered Phone Bidders: 3
Lot Tracking Activity: N/A
Page Views: 1,863

Buyer's Premium per Lot:
25% on the first $100,000 (minimum $14), plus 20% of any amount between $100,000 and $1,000,000, plus 12% of any amount over $1,000,000 per lot.

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