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Confederate Cartes-de-Visite: Arnold Elzey, Jubal Anderson Early, Richard Stoddert Ewell and Nathan George Evans. Four (4) cartes including Arnold Elzey (1816-1871) by E & H.T. Anthony, New York; Jubal Anderson Early (1816-1894) by Anthony, New York (carte slightly bent at top right edge); Richard Stoddert Ewell (1817-1872) by Anthony, New York; and Nathan George Evans (1824-1868) by McPherson & Oliver, New Orleans. Elzey briefly served in the Union army, then resigned his commission after surrendering the arsenal at Augusta, Georgia to Confederate troops. He served under Stonewall Jackson, being seriously wounded at Gaines' Mill. Jubal Early also served under Stonewall Jackson and fought, with mixed success, in many of the major battles of the war, including Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Cold Harbor and the Wilderness. His victory at Monocacy preceded an abortive raid against Washington, D.C. followed by the burning of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. Ewell, a.k.a. "Old Bald Head", replaced Stonewall Jackson as commander of the Second Corps in May 1863. He lost a leg at Groveton and was twice wounded in succeeding battles. His failure to capture Cemetery Hill on the first day of Gettysburg proved controversial. Evans distinguished himself at First Bull Run and Ball's Bluff, earning the "Thanks of the Confederate Congress". He also fought at Second Bull Run, Antietam and Vicksburg, but lost his command due to intemperance. From the collection of Dr. Michael Krane.

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Auction Dates
September, 2016
17th Saturday
Bids + Registered Phone Bidders: 1
Lot Tracking Activity: N/A
Page Views: 631

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